I will let you in on my Goals and Objectives to reach them.
I am doing things in Phases. The first thing I am doing is:
1) I am Pitching myself to work in Radio Again. Hopeing I can go On Air via Commercial Radio and the Internet -Hopes with a simulcast show.
2) I am working on and off on Film Sets - seeking any Positions - Yes I have Directed Music Videos and other full length feature Films but a team player dont mind taking other positions either.
At the same time though- being away off set - or as most indies say, in between jobs. LOL. I relaize that I have to crawl before I walk. I dont mind re-starting with a lower post. I am a Team player & not afraid to take a back seat with a Produciton Company. It's Networking baby.
3) I am managing a few Recording Artist assisting them to get distribution and into full rotation in Radio,
4) I am MAnaging my Companies:
AJC Publishing with the launch of my book title I walked Away and testimonies
AJC Time Line.com
AJC Mixing Music Videos.com, my hands on baby in the Legal field....
E-Traffic Ticket Defenders .com
See a list of upcoming readings.
AJC Publishing is releasing my book "I Walked Away" "True Testimonies" "Un-Equally Yoked" and "Conspiracy on the Hood"
Read more news.
I always love to hear from prospective Employer, Clients, Fans, Friends, or Readers. Please don't hesitate to contact me at www.fredjcastro@fredjcastro.com
To learn more about my upcoming films - on set jobs, Announcing Gigs, book releases and or bookstore signing events, go to on of my social Connects:
film Credits